How can you be invited here?
How to take part in your creation of a Blue Rose playtime ? We do not book online. Send us a nice letter of how you see life for the voyage. Walk over say hello.
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It is a Sailboat. Besides learning your inner self, like the boat, you will learn how to keep it operational. Learn The Basics. It is your attention which keeps it as a safe platform for conversations about the inner self. It is made of many parts . You learn by doing - not only by looking.
Any boat has to be in usable condition - that is not automatic. Just like your psyche needs understanding. We voyage from the Downtown dock in a rather money hungry city . Yet Blue Rose is for people to build into their life without demanding they produce money. We just want to produce health and normal community social oriented persons.
So, all we ask is that you donate something to the Discovery Sailing Club. There is an information card on board which offers that CoOperative sailing place of Discovering and sharing.
Thank you:
For passing it on to the next persons who voyage on the Blue Rose. Yes, it can be the next people who will turn dreams into continued lives of health. They may be your friends and your future friends.
Discovery may use your donation to take inner city kids out for life creating days. It is your gift, or they may use it to repair the beach boats for happy parents to create a resilient sailing personality in their children, or hold a campfire party, or give the Big Brothers Big Sisters a place to take their littles in learning.